by: David Gutierrez
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
(NaturalNews) Investing in preventive health care is far more cost-effective than treating people after they get sick, according to a report from the nonprofit advocacy group Trust for America's Health.
"We've got to change the mindset from treating sick people to preventing illnesses in the first place," said U.S. Sen. Tom Harkin in response to the report.
Researchers calculated how much rates of certain diseases could be decreased by investing money in programs that have been proven to lower smoking rates and increase healthy eating and physical activity. They found that within two years, investment in community health programs could lead to a 5 percent reduction in rates of diabetes and high blood pressure, while significantly reducing rates of arthritis and some kinds of cancer within only 10 to 20 years.
For every dollar invested in community-based preventive health care programs, the researchers found, $5.60 in later healthcare treatment would be saved. Investing just $10 per person could lead to savings of more than $16 billion per year within only five years.
People often think that such programs "[pay] off 20 or 30 years from now," Harkin said, "but this shows you get the money back almost immediately, and then the savings grows bigger and bigger."
The report encourages federal, state and local governments to increase tobacco taxes, ban smoking in public places and require nutrition labels on restaurant menus. It also urges governments to increase funding for community health initiatives, like a program in Dallas that has led to improved eating and physical activity habits among participating youth. Governments can also encourage healthy living through relatively simple and inexpensive measures, the report said, such as keeping sidewalks in good shape.
"What's been interesting is that if you make it easier for people to make better choices, they actually do," said Jeffrey Levi, executive director of the Trust for America's Health.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Preventing Illness More Economical Than Treating the Sick
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2:29 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
How Magnesium Deficient Are You?
Are You Magnesium Deficient?
Over 300 biochemical reactions in the body depend on magnesium and is known for its healing effects.
1, Deficiencies in magnesium leave people vulnerable to developing acute and chronic conditions due to not getting the minerals needed from their daily food intake.
Magnesium Carbonate is used as a dietary supplement for weightlifters and gymnasts to improve their grip on the bars.
Magnesium Hydroxide is used in Milk of Magnesia for the treatment of constipation.
Magnesium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate are used in Epsom Salts which is used as a cathartic. Magnesium Chloride has also been known to fight infection.
Magnesium Citrite is used in medicine.
Magnesium Stearate is used in pharmaceutical technology to manufacture tablets. It prevents the tablets from sticking or caking to the equipment during the manufacturing process. It is also used as a binder in the process of making candy.
Magnesium is a crucial nutrient when it comes to proper body functioning. Magnesium ions play a major role in cellular function and strongly influence cardiovascular and neuromuscular excitability.
How do you know if your body is deprived of this valuable nutrient? These signs can be indicators of magnesium deficiency:
* Cardiac Arrhthmias: Irregular heart beat, palpitations.
* Leg Cramps and foot cramps that are especially bothersome at night.
* Tremors: Tremors usually involve the hands, but can sometimes the head, face, voice, and legs.
* Anxiety
* Muscle Weakness: Lack of strength
* Chronic Fatigue: Overwhelming exhaustion both mentally and physically.
* Depression: Sadness, fear, hopelessness.
In a clinical trial involving thirty-two (32) patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, fifteen (15) were given magnesium and seventeen (17) were given water. Twelve (12) of the (15) patients who received the magnesium saw improvement in their energy levels, sleep patterns, and physical mobility. 2
This metallic element is not readily available in foods, therefore magnesium supplementation could help prevent high blood pressure and the other indicators listed above. 2
Magnesium supplementation can help people avoid serious disease or recover from ones they already have. There are many reasons, scientific studies, and professional medical and scientific data that sustain this statement. 2
A study documented in the International Journal of Cardiology in 1996 found that taking 600 mg of magnesium daily lowered the systolic blood pressure by almost 8 points and the diastolic pressure by almost 4 points. 1
It is difficult to get enough magnesium from the diet. In 1900 the average American diet consisted of approximately 450 mg of magnesium per day. By the year 2000, that figure dropped to about 200 mg of magnesium each day. 1
The need to increase magnesium in our diet is so strong that a gentleman by the name of Paul Mason has petitioned the government to add magnesium to bottled water and other bottled drinks. 3
"Paul Mason is telling the world that consuming more magnesium could save 21 million lives a year." 3
1. Life Extension Magazine: The Ultimate Source for New Health and Medical Findings September 2004. "Magnesium in Hypertension" By Jay S. Cohen, MD. Pgs 40-48
2. "Magnesium and Medicine"
3. Life Extension Magazine: The Ultimate Source for New Health and Medical Findings September 2005. "As We See It: How Many Americans Are Magnesium Deficient" By William Falloon.
Posted by
11:16 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
How A Smart Consumer Stores Vitamins
The first thing you have to realize is that there are two types of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. Both of these types are stored in the body in differently.
Water soluble vitamins cannot be stored in the body. So for this reason it is important to have regular consumption or intake of these vitamins to maintain the necessary level of nutrients. B Vitamins and Vitamin C are two examples of water soluble vitamins. Water soluble vitamins are also easily destroyed by overcooking foods that contain them, not storing them properly or handling them wrong. For foods that contain water soluble vitamins you should always stir-fry or steam them. To get enough water soluble vitamins in your body every day you should eat as least five fractions of fruits and vegetables.
Fat soluble vitamins are easily stored in the bodies fat cells. For this reason you do not need a daily intake of these vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E and K are examples of fat soluble vitamins. For these vitamins the body will use what it needs when it needs them. In addition, these vitamins are easily used by the body since they are already in the fat cells.
In order to maintain the effectiveness of vitamins you should make sure they are stored properly. A smart consumer who stores vitamins often make sure they are kept in a dry place at the proper temperature required for each vitamin and preferably in a container that has a screw top lid. Whenever you plan on storing vitamins you should always check the expiration date and remember these dates or check them continuously so that you will know when it is best to consume the vitamins. Consuming vitamins that are expired means the vitamins may be ineffective.
Posted by
12:26 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Best MSM Info You Can Find For Better Health
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is essential in maintaining optimum health. It nourishes our hair, skin, muscles, joints and nails; it can reduce pain and inflammation; it also has been shown to increase blood circulation, strengthen capillary walls and thus heal varicose veins; and it can be helpful in treating many other conditions such as arthritis, asthma, emphysema, tendinitis, diabetes, acne, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, constipation, digestive disorders, parasite infestations, allergies, toxic build-up and ulcers.
One well-known advocate of MSM, Stanley W. Jacob, M.D., co author of "The Miracle of MSM", records having cared for over 18,000 patients with MSM. Some of the conditions that he claims to have successfully treated with MSM include myasthenia gravis, lupus, fibromyalgia and snoring. Another prominent spokesperson for MSM, Robert M. Herschler, Ph.D., has found MSM to be an effective "ameliorating agent" against many of the physiological responses to stress.
In experiments that have been performed with mice, MSMeffectively reduced arthritis related joint deterioration, deformities and swelling. Other animal studies have shown that MSM has a potential for treating breast cancer, colon cancer and anemia. Studies done on humans showed MSM comparing favorably against a placebo when tested for effectiveness against such ailments as osteoarthritis of the knee and also hay fever.
is a naturally occurring organic sulfur compound. It is present in fresh fish, meat, plants and fruit. That being the case, is there any need for MSM supplementation? Herschler states that the MSM that is in those substances is lost with even a modest amount of processing such as drying or heating. Since most people who live in North America rely heavily on processed foods, there may be little or no MSM in their diet. And as it is a crucial component in one's health, the need for supplementation becomes clear.
Why is MSM so conducive for good health? It is a sulfur compound and sulfur is an essential mineral for the body. Sulfur is a component of bones, teeth and collagen (the protein in connective tissue.) The sulfur mineral is needed in the manufacture of many proteins, including those that form hair, muscle and skin. Thus all of those body parts are strengthened through the use of MSM.
How much MSM does one need to take and how often? Some of the research that has been conducted on MSM indicates that one needs to take a steady supply of it for it to help maintain one's health. Phyllis and James Balch, in their book "Prescription For Nutritional Healing," recommend that one should start with a dosage of 1,000 milligrams of MSM a day. That should eventually be raised to 2,000 milligrams a day. There has been no evidence of any toxicity build up or harmful side effects from the regular use of MSM at those dosages or higher. However, it is generally advised that pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid MSM, or consult a doctor who is well studied in natural medicine.
MSM is available for use in capsules, powder, and tablets. It is also available for application to the skin as a lotion, cream or gel.
Posted by
6:57 AM
Friday, October 3, 2008
Vitamins and Minerals Essential For Eye Vision Health
Johns Hopkins' Wilmer Eye Institute suggests that some 8 million people in the United States age 55 or older could benefit from daily vitamin treatments to help reduce risk of age-related vision loss or reduction. That same statement stresses that people in this high-risk category should be taking daily supplements of antioxidant vitamins and zinc.
The statement detailed the implications of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) findings. In 2001, the National Eye Institute published the results of AREDS showing that that the risk of developing advanced forms of certain vision disorders was dramatically cut by 25% when subjects were given a dietary supplement that contained vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, zinc and other antioxidants.
In response to this convincing statement, one of the most comprehensive eye formulas ever was introduced. Each ingredient found in the formula has been included specifically for its role in supporting eye vision health. Along with key nutrients and vitamins, this formula offers multiple powerful antioxidants that work to minimize the potentially harmful effects of UV-induced free radicals. This formula gives your body the nutritional help it needs to support the structure and healthy function of the eyes.
It contains bilberry fruit extract with flavanoids and anthrocyanosides which promote healthy vascular activity and enhance microcirculation. Contains ingredients to help strengthen connective tissue, promote the formation of new capillaries and improve night vision. Eyes vitamins and minerals such as copper, zinc and selenium were added cause they work together to support healthy eye function.
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3:47 PM
Labels: eye vison health, eye vitamins